This is a list of web pages with short notes or descriptions used while preparing the submission for Udacity Front End Developer Nanodegree, Project 3. (For a thorough journal of links, questions, answers, thoughts and notes made during the course see...
MDN docs on Object prototype properties and Methods
Preliminary scan and added to read today and read it later. -
Prototype Ambiguity
Revisit this and find further discussions. -
method on MDN
Scanned and add to read-it-later (study it later!) -
A summary of OOJS from Udacity office hours
Readit, made notes, and added for review in 2 weeks. Unfortunatly they didn't address super and sub classes, but maybe it is better for now if they do it late and they can be kept seperate and simple. -
MDN CanvasRenderingContext2D
Nice overview of what you can do in the 2D canvas. - explantion for requestAnimationFrame
Also includes how to pause and cancel animation and a small mention of time-stamping. Nicely written explanations and lots more HTML5 stuff explained besides. Re-read later today and consider adding to Anki. Added site to read-it-later calendar. -
MDN docs on requestAnimationFrame
Scanned, add to calendar to revisit in a few weeks. -
JavaScript Keyboard event handling library, sounds quite nifty
Bookmarked. -
StackOverflow thread on generating random numbers in JS
Handy, bookmarked, might add to Anki later. -
Simple collision detection "AABB" video.
Very nicely explained video, hand-written and JavaScript oriented, bookmarked on YT. Pity he doesn't have more. -
Coding Math: E14 - Collision Detection
More in-depth video about CD, Subscribed to Channel on YouTube, looks good. -
Functions are just Objects Working examples (pythontutor)
Revision of -
Anonymous Functions (declaration Vs operator) working examples on pythontutor
Helephant revision. -
pythontutor kick-off with closures
Still don't get it, need more practical and relevant examples, what problem that I face frequently does this solve? -
pythontutor testing for Frogger game
Test and build of code used to pick random bonuses with a specific frequency.