
reading and tinkering

Project 2: Interactive Résumé

JavaScript Basics

JavaScript Basics Journal

Optional Exercises: solutions

Intro to jQuery

Intro to jQuery Journal

This course really lacked exercises.

Submission: Résumé

Mockup of submission, and submitted repository.

I did the optional extras for 'Udaciousness' here to get a bit of a play with jQuery and jqueryUI. See the README note for more details. This proved useful as I run into a lot of difficulties that needed better understanding. I need to be careful not to become dependent on jQuery as it's strictly only for webpages and isolates you from JavaScript which is looking more and more useful.

List of resources used with additional notes

Hosting Projects with GitHub Pages

Yep, very nice. That's why I'm writing and reading this page right here.

Professional Presence Update 1

Not for me. Skipping for now.